
Narashino city is located in the northwest in Chiba prefecture, and it's from Tokyo approximately 30 kilometers within the range. It’s easily accessible from not only Narita and Haneda airports but also sightseeing spots in Tokyo. The topography forms the part of Tokyo Bay area. The bay area has many large-scale facilities such as Tokyo Disney Resort and Makuhari Messe.

Access to Narashino City
Access to Narashino City

Chiba Tourlist Guide


Access Map to Tsudanuma campus of Nihon University

By Walk: A 10-minute walk from the exit of Keisei Okubo Station on the Keisei Main Line.

By Bus: Take the bus from the No. 4 or 5 bus stop at the north exit of JR Tsudanuma Station to the “Nichidai Seisan Kogakubu” bus stop.

NOTE: From the conference venue, take the bus from the “Okubo Jujiro” bus stop.

Campus Map

Venue is Building 39 on Tsudanuma campus of Nihon University, except Excursion and Banquet on September 6.


Gallery on first floor


Welcome Reception on September 4

Conference Dinner on September 5

Cafeteria "Creation Commons" on second floor



Oral: Room 308 on third floor

Poster: Gallery on first floor



Room 307 on third floor



Cafeteria "Creation Commons" on second floor


Smoking Area

Between conference place (Building 39) and Building 25.

Please see “Smoking Area” in General Information.

Please refer to the following Access map and Campus map in Tsudanuma campus of Nihon University, and Google Map.

Banquet on September 6, 19:00-

NOTE: After excursion, bus takes you banquet place. Please check the following URL if you directly go to the banquet place.

[Japanese] エクスカーションに参加されずにバンケット会場へ直接行かれる方は,下記のサッポロビール千葉ビール園へのアクセスおよび無料シャトルバスの時刻表をご覧ください.

Sapporo Breweries Chiba Beer Restaurant

2 Takasemachi Funabashi-shi, Chiba, 273-0014

Web site (Japanese):

Free shuttle bus from JR Tsudanuma. JR Shin-Narashino, and JR Minami-Funabashi stations (Japanese):